Hollinwood Phase 1 Highways

Regeneration of demolished mill site adjacent to the M60.

The Hollinwood Infrastructure project required initial highway works to open up the 30-acre derelict site located in Oldham town centre, adjacent to the M60.   I & H Brown’s scope of works included design and construction of new highway and drainage works, including S278, S38 and S104 works. As well as site clearance, installation of new street lighting and signs, diversion of existing services and installation of new supplies, surface water attenuation, and traffic diversions/management.

These works involved the construction of two roundabouts, one online to provide access off the main road, and one offline within the development site. We also installed foul and surface water drainage including 135m of 1500mm diameter ridgistorm pipe to provide attenuation for the future plots, installation of new service corridor, diversion of existing utilities, street lighting, and pedestrian footpaths. Our works were carried out under traffic management to safely administer the interface with live traffic.








32 weeks

Key Challenges.

One of the two roundabouts on the scheme was constructed on the live carriageway and had to incorporate an existing car park entrance, with both the main carriageway and the office entrance needing to be kept live throughout the works – this included the deep drainage tie ins. Also, due to the alignment of the road being changed on several occasions and the land to be developed having had numerous uses over the last few centuries, the whole area was littered with services – live, pot-ended, and redundant. It was decided that to support the Ground Penetration Radar Survey that was undertaken, numerous slip trenches would be implemented to ensure that all services were identified.

Our Solution.

We worked closely with all the statutory undertakers to identify which services needed to be moved and which could be removed or abandoned. A high-pressure gas main that couldn’t be realigned had to be designed into the works using protection slabs, and due to the level of works around this asset, Cadent had to remain present on site at all times. The level of detailed planning that accommodated these obstacles was the reason that all works were completed without any statutory services being damaged.

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