Dooba Phases 1-3

Remediation within a major Nottingham redevelopment.

The project formed part of the major redevelopment of a 14-hectare brownfield site on a former brickworks factory in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. 

I & H Brown’s scope of work was particularly broad for this project. The full site remediation included site clearance, breakout and crushing of hardstanding areas, validation of construction platforms – including the removal of contamination and asbestos and cut-and-fill to design levels.

We undertook Section 278 highway works to form a new roundabout over the existing junction to provide access to the new development. This included service diversions, drainage, full road construction, landscaping, and street lighting. 

Section 38 spine road was installed to the new development. This included a roundabout, access junctions, attenuation basins, new incoming services and sub-station building. This was finalised with Section 104 foul and surface water sewers. 

Phase 2/3 was a 6-month contract that was awarded to I & H Brown through negotiation and ran concurrently with Phase 1. This element of the project involved the full site remediation of the remaining ten hectares of brownfield land and the preparation of further development platforms. The works involved were similar to those in Section 1 (Phase 1), with the only addition being the demolition of relevant buildings and the installation of swales. 


Commercial Estates Group (CEG)


Worksop, Nottinghamshire




42 Weeks

Key Challenges.

The Dooba site had over 200 years of historic industry ending up as a brickworks, before becoming derelict. This meant that although extensive site and ground investigation had been undertaken, every bucket excavated could be – and often was – different. A material management plan and strategy were developed and agreed with the client. This detailed each solution to each potential problem.

Our Solution.

The site was riddled with known and unknown services of all type, age, and status. Pre-empting unexpected obstacles, we carried out the Ground Penetration Radar Survey and implemented a slip trench around the perimeter of the site. This would identify any additional services that were not shown on drawings or highlighted by the survey, of which there turned out to be many.

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