Strong Progress at the Dolphingstone Infrastructure Project

We are delighted to announce we have secured a contract with Taylor Wimpey plc, to deliver enabling infrastructure at their new Dolphingstone Development in Wallyford, East Lothian. The development site will create a major new neighbourhood of over 700 homes.

The contract which commenced in June 2024, involves circa 350,000 cube of earthworks cut/fill. A diversion of a Transport Scotland Culvert outfall from the nearby A1 Dual Carriageway. Installation of the primary foul and storm drainage, suds pond, pumping station and rising main. Works also include utilities installation, street lighting and the formation of a new junction, and combined footpath and cycleway on the A199.

The site challenges include approximately 53,000 cube of rock to be excavated, and the existence of historical mine workings on the site. 

Since commencing the project, we have made good progress over the summer months with approximately 95,000m3 of earthworks cut/fill placed, and 75,000m3 of topsoil stripped. 

This project is another example of I & H Brown’s experience in delivering enabling infrastructure for major mix-use development sites. It is 3rd such project in the East Lothian area. The varied and complex scope suits our broad-ranging skillset. 

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