I & H Brown Win Subsequent Contract with SSE Renewables

Following on from the success of securing the Flichity Bridge Replacement project, I & H Brown have won a subsequent contract with SSE Renewables to build the Aberarder Wind Farm near Farr, South of Inverness...

Located at an average elevation of 700m above sea level, the new 12-turbine wind farm is essentially an extension to the neighboring operational Dumnaglass Wind Farm.  

The contract covers the construction of new wind farm access tracks and 12 crane hardstandings, the substation platform, temporary construction compounds, operation of borrow pit, and installation of the sub-formation for the turbine foundations. SSE Renewables’ specialist contractors will be carrying out the design of the turbine foundations and will be designing the access tracks and hardstandings for I & H Brown.  We are also responsible for maintenance of the existing access track and for final restoration works once turbine erection and commissioning is complete.

The site presents some significant challenges which includes the remote location of the site, resulting in the application of onsite batching of concrete for the turbine bases. This method will significantly decrease construction traffic to and from the windfarm. Being located at such a high altitude will obviously pose challenges due to the extreme weather conditions which will have to be mitigated.

Main works commenced in July 2024 and will last for a duration of 61 weeks, then 11 weeks restoration period. 

Once completed, Aberarader Wind Farm will be capable of generating enough green energy to power almost 50,000 homes annually and offset over 1.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide over its expected 35-year lifetime. This significant positive impact will contribute to Scotland and the UK’s achieving further energy security and meeting net zero carbon emission targets.

I & H Brown are committed to providing the most sustainable and competitive construction solutions for our clients. We have a particular strength in the renewable sector, and this latest wind farm contract is testament to this!

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