I & H Brown have made a major investment in the charitable organisation, the Glengarry Community Woodlands.
Our company have had an association with the Glengarry area since 1987, when we purchased Kingie Estate. We were approached recently by the Glengarry Community Woodlands seeking investment in the next stage of the group’s developments.
Glengarry Community Woodlands was established in 2016, when the community came together to purchase the community forest. The aim of the organisation is to sustainably manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the Community. Organising educational and recreational activities, and advancing environmental protection are key to the group.
The next stage in the group’s development is to set up an eco-tourism business to provide an income which will fund the organisation and create a platform for continued growth. They plan to create the ’Glengarry Forest Cabins’; building five off-grid, wooden cabins in the woodland in 2023, followed by another three in 2025 which will be let to the public. This will create jobs and all profits will be used to fund the charitable activities of the group.
We wish them all the success in setting up their new venture!